I recently heard a song that could be the theme song for Coaching. The song is by 7eventh Time Down called “Questions” I thought the lyrics were fitting for us to be comfortable with the tension of questions. → “Tell me what’s been on your mind // What’s keeping you up at night // Your life isn’t making sense // And you don’t know what the answer is // There’s no need to be ashamed, you’re not alone // In confusion, God is closer than you know // Questions, Wrestle with those questions // Lean into the tension // Child listen // It’s okay to have your doubts // All the “why gods” and “what nows” // Every time that you cry out // He listens // It’s okay to have questions” ← In the middle of confusion, God is near. It is in the tension of not knowing where we discover, learn, and grow. Most discoveries start with a question. So, “What’s been on your mind?” A coaching conversation is a great place to explore your questions and discover answers that bring clarity to confusion. Check out the official lyric video (of which I own no rights) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OkYQ10f56k